Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Close up of Doug's shirt. Every stitch is created with care.
" I would like a plain shirt" said Doug.
So this is what he got. Only one little twist and that is the whole shirt is top stitched by hand with imitation sinew. Doug was pleased and so was I. It turned out beautiful. He loved it and I loved creating it. Everyone went away with a smile.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Peace pipes are used in cermony.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Turtle woman animal parts that were used in her creation are:
Turtle bone -around her eyes
Bear fur -for her hair
Imitation -eagle foot
Guiney feathers- in her braids
White deer hide- for leather


Forest spirit is one of many masks. Each mask has an individual name. Making masks is my favourite craft. This particular mask was created because of a yearning to move further north closer to nature. That yearning still exists today and continues to grow stronger.

I am currently recreating my masks. Originally I used preformed faces now I am experimenting with making my own faces making each one a genuine original.
Animal used to create this mask are:
red fox
horse hair
bear fur
deer hide

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Not much is free these days. This is not the case with this site check it out.

Food for your brain and food for the hungry children of this world.


I would love to hear what these shoes would say could they speak.


I've been everywhere man breathed the mountain air man I've travelled I've
done my share man I've been everywhere.

These boots were made for walking and that's just what they'll do and one of
these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

Tweedly tweedly tweedly dee I'm as happy as can be!

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.- John Muir

What a tale they could tell about their owner and the things they have seen and heard.


LIKE I said every year I look forward to the Pow Wow trail. Welcoming the familiar beat and songs of the drum. Ah winter is gone, the sun is warm on my face and I hear the voice of the drum and voices of singers and it is good to be here again.

THE very first time I ever went to a Pow Wow I fell in Love. In love with a culture that I knew nothing about. Grand Entry was at noon which is roughly 1:00 Indian time. The wait is well worth it. The drum starts, the singers sing and the dancers dance. The grass dancers, men's traditional dancers, fancy shawl dress dancers, jingle dress dancers, womans traditional dancers all come into the circle honouring our elders and veterans. I swallowed real hard as I watched the beauty of these proud people, their dance and their regalia. United in Colour and beauty. Two days and all of this without alcohol or drugs. Just good clean fun! I did say no dogs didn't I well I fibbed a little bit I have seen a dog or two, one was a seeing eye dog and the other quickly dissapeared after doing his business.

Our children's generations that are coming are waiting for
this gift... So
we are going to have to hold hands and go in one direction.
All of us have to
communicate, sing one song, say one prayer, and walk the
next decade together
with one voice, for our survival and the survival of
future generations.

Leon Secatero, Canoncito Navajo Spiritual Elder