Sunday, March 2, 2008


Every drum has its own unique voice and energy. It carries within its creation, vibration energy from the tree and the animal used to make it. It is more then just wood and skin. It is considered to be alive with its own infinite potential to be a conduit for spiritual connection, self enlightenment, healing, and growth, and in order to keep it alive it is meant to be used. Through drumming you awaken inner healing that echoes outward to all that is. It echoes to ones’ inner self, to community, to Mother Earth, and to the Universe. Energy never dies: it transmutes.
Producing any change such as awakening to our higher self, peace and unity starts within our self which then manifests outwardly to heal the planet. How could it be otherwise? Everything always starts with self.
The vibration, rhythm, sound of the drum has a profound effect on our consciousness and physical well being. It can regulate our heartbeat and our breathing at cellular levels. Drumming is like the heartbeat that we have known since conception. Drumming is considered to be the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

The intent of the person drumming can bring healing. Although at first we may be unconscious of its effect, continued drumming, chanting and singing will make its presence felt not only in our consciousness but also in our physical well being. Drumming, like a voice sends energy and vibration to the mystery of all things.
Before drumming a smudging ceremony is held (a cleansing technique of washing in smoke). This is the tradition of all Native American and First Nations people of Canada. The herb used is mainly sage, or a combination of herbs such as sweetgrass, cedar, or tobacco. This ceremony is a good thing to do regularly for oneself, your surroundings and for all that is, to maintain harmony and connection.
Traditional ways of smudging differ according to different tribes. The way for someone to smudge not attached to a particular tradition is a matter of personal preference and intuition. My personal experience is to place a few leaves of sage in a shell or shallow bowl. Light the sage and use a feather to waft the sage and enable it to burn. Once burning it will soon start to smoulder at which time you can then wash your hands in the smoke, cup your hands and bring the smoke to your face to think good things, then to your eyes to see good things, then to your nose to smell good things, and then to your mouth to speak good things, and then down your body for overall cleansing and purification.
Prior to using the drum for the very first time a birthing ceremony is held and a small piece of cord/sinew is cut from the back of the drum symbolizing a umbilical cord. It can be kept in a medicine bag or buried by the owner. It is a multidimensional ritual, entered into with great respect, reverence, honour and clarity of mind as we endeavour to enter into a relationship with all that is. It is a ritual that is usually performed by an elder.

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