Not a muscle twitched upon my face
Yet two tears slid down and then they raced
To the bottom of my chin
Hanging out and hanging in
A third slid down unannouced
And made a three-some hanging down
Tears now slide freely between my breasts
Crocodile tears, do crocodiles cry?
Close to my heart they come to rest
The seat of my soul, my heartache, my pain
Only to realize that yet again
There is nowhere to hide or to flee
From all that is inside of me
Who am I to question as to what, why or when
Spirit knows best about my inner plight
Allow all feeling good, bad or sad
Content to be....... that's where it's at
Be like an octopus
Attaching a tenacle of understanding
Clinging to that glimmer of acceptance
Letting the rest of your troubles slide
Hang on for the ride of your life
High on an elephants back
Ears flapping, nose in the air
Joy abounding joy can be yours
If only you dare
Resisting acceptance,
I roar like a lion, whine like a dog,
I run like a deer and slither like a snake,
Slide like an otter down a snowy mountain side
And when I reach bottom looking up
What do I see ?
But acceptance looking back at me.
written Oct 13/01
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