Friday, January 23, 2015

Dances with Wolves
hand painted on deer hide

Monday, February 7, 2011


Everything in life has its own time. It seems not concerned in the least with deadlines or desires. I do believe though that when the time is right and the desire clearly expressed within ones being, it finally  becomes reality sometimes with speed that leaves one breathless.
One year ago 2010 we finally found and moved to that sweet little cabin farther north. The ease of flow in selling our current home, the ease of flow with purchasing the cabin and the ease of flow in making new friends, reinforces the decision of  "YES" we are moving in the right direction.
The business Whitewolf Cree-ations has been put on hold for the duration of that time. Slowly things are coming back together and the flow continues.
Downsizing is not always the easiest but look at the trade off. Country air, lots of trees and rocks, many rivers, streams, lakes. Wild life in your back yard and a back to nature life style.

visit us at our new site and browse through our selections of freshly inspired creations.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Video slide show

For a video of our
One of a Kind Items
& Small Craft Items go to

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Not a muscle twitched upon my face

Yet two tears slid down and then they raced

To the bottom of my chin

Hanging out and hanging in

A third slid down unannouced

And made a three-some hanging down

Tears now slide freely between my breasts

Crocodile tears, do crocodiles cry?

Close to my heart they come to rest

The seat of my soul, my heartache, my pain

Only to realize that yet again

There is nowhere to hide or to flee

From all that is inside of me

Who am I to question as to what, why or when

Spirit knows best about my inner plight

Allow all feeling good, bad or sad

Content to be....... that's where it's at

Be like an octopus

Attaching a tenacle of understanding

Clinging to that glimmer of acceptance

Letting the rest of your troubles slide


Hang on for the ride of your life

High on an elephants back

Ears flapping, nose in the air

Joy abounding joy can be yours

If only you dare

Resisting acceptance,

I roar like a lion, whine like a dog,

I run like a deer and slither like a snake,

Slide like an otter down a snowy mountain side

And when I reach bottom looking up

What do I see ?

But acceptance looking back at me.

written Oct 13/01


Every drum has its own unique voice and energy. It carries within its creation, vibration energy from the tree and the animal used to make it. It is more then just wood and skin. It is considered to be alive with its own infinite potential to be a conduit for spiritual connection, self enlightenment, healing, and growth, and in order to keep it alive it is meant to be used. Through drumming you awaken inner healing that echoes outward to all that is. It echoes to ones’ inner self, to community, to Mother Earth, and to the Universe. Energy never dies: it transmutes.
Producing any change such as awakening to our higher self, peace and unity starts within our self which then manifests outwardly to heal the planet. How could it be otherwise? Everything always starts with self.
The vibration, rhythm, sound of the drum has a profound effect on our consciousness and physical well being. It can regulate our heartbeat and our breathing at cellular levels. Drumming is like the heartbeat that we have known since conception. Drumming is considered to be the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

The intent of the person drumming can bring healing. Although at first we may be unconscious of its effect, continued drumming, chanting and singing will make its presence felt not only in our consciousness but also in our physical well being. Drumming, like a voice sends energy and vibration to the mystery of all things.
Before drumming a smudging ceremony is held (a cleansing technique of washing in smoke). This is the tradition of all Native American and First Nations people of Canada. The herb used is mainly sage, or a combination of herbs such as sweetgrass, cedar, or tobacco. This ceremony is a good thing to do regularly for oneself, your surroundings and for all that is, to maintain harmony and connection.
Traditional ways of smudging differ according to different tribes. The way for someone to smudge not attached to a particular tradition is a matter of personal preference and intuition. My personal experience is to place a few leaves of sage in a shell or shallow bowl. Light the sage and use a feather to waft the sage and enable it to burn. Once burning it will soon start to smoulder at which time you can then wash your hands in the smoke, cup your hands and bring the smoke to your face to think good things, then to your eyes to see good things, then to your nose to smell good things, and then to your mouth to speak good things, and then down your body for overall cleansing and purification.
Prior to using the drum for the very first time a birthing ceremony is held and a small piece of cord/sinew is cut from the back of the drum symbolizing a umbilical cord. It can be kept in a medicine bag or buried by the owner. It is a multidimensional ritual, entered into with great respect, reverence, honour and clarity of mind as we endeavour to enter into a relationship with all that is. It is a ritual that is usually performed by an elder.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


This is the lovely Raven.

Ravens dress was designed and crafted by Ireen during the winter of 1852.

The dress is 100% deerhide, and features a provocative plunging neckline.

The photo was taken at the "Meet Your Neighbors" Pow Wow in Tucson Arizona in July 1867, shortly before the Battle of Little Bighorn, otherwise know as Custers Last Stand.

Historical note: It is widely believed though never proven, that Raven took part in the mutilation of the dead U.S. Calvery soldiers after the battle. You will notice that the necklace Raven is wearing is constructed of human molars, and appears to be identical to those of General Custer.

Judge for yourself. Unfortunately no photos exist of General Custer that show his teeth.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Three's Company

This is a three part paddle set. It signifies that tougher part of ourself "a stiff upper lip" something we all utilize at times to protect ourselves from the difficulties in life.

Three's Company

This is part of the three paddle set This reminds me of my experience with the wind. So I called him Knowing Wind. What does the wind say? In silence and in meditation you will hear what the wind says.

Three's Company

This is a part of a three paddle set. The wise shaman. This shaman exists in all of us. All we need do is stop our internal chatter long enough to listen. Listen to the truth within us.

One of a Kind Items

Hello everyone. Here it is Febuary already my how time flies. I am looking forward to the coming seasons and the journey of now. The moments spent in the now and the moments spent creating new one of a kind items.

Friday, December 14, 2007


What does the wind say? What kind of thought is this I thought and immediately dismissed it. But as the week passed the thought became more persistent. What does the wind say? Again I dismissed it. WHAT DOES THE WIND SAY? The thought was determined and I allowed it.
Okay okay what does the wind say? You see I was in turmoil about a certain situation in my life and there seemed to be no place I could find the answer until I finally allowed the thought and gave it credence. Working in my studio the thought came again and with this I stopped all doing walked outside and realized how strong the wind was blowing. All the trees, grasses, flowers were bending and swaying in the relentless wind. I found this intriguing as I made my way to that special sacred spot on my property. A place where we had many sacred fires, a place where we had many drumming sessions and gatherings, a place where a bald eagle lay buried, a place down over the hill hidden from view of the house and any interruptions. This is a place of silence and of contemplation the place where I felt a strong need to be at this very moment. Arriving at my destination I circled slowly around the fire pit. The wind blew my hair and clothes in all directions as I walked around and around accepting the thought about the wind and feeling a little silly. Tears flowed and I asked my first question. What am I supposed to do about this situation I asked. I don't know exactly what I expected but I was completely caught of guard and surprised when I heard a reply. "What is it that you want?" It took some time to soul search the question and verbalise the answer. When I finally replied the response was immediate almost before I had finished and many more questions arose simultaneously. "I can only answer one question at a time" came the reply. So I reformulated the questions and again I was given the answers instantly.
Looking back upon the event I am still in awe and I realize that there are many other times that similar situations like these occurred. Some occur at a level of which I am not fully aware. Not only with the wind but with the trees and the birds and the plants. What is this I ask myself. What is that quiet voice that speaks with such assuredly and frankness and simplicity. Is there anybody out there with feedback in this regard. I ask the universe to send me a teacher to help me to understand this phenomena and further my knowledge base. Yearning to know more, waiting for a reply. Is there anybody out there?

P.S. I am currently reading a book called Rolling Thunder by Doug Boyd. It answers many of the questions I have about these occurences but it would be nice to have personal interaction with someone that has personal experience and knowledge of these things.
Dec 14/07

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Close up of Doug's shirt. Every stitch is created with care.
" I would like a plain shirt" said Doug.
So this is what he got. Only one little twist and that is the whole shirt is top stitched by hand with imitation sinew. Doug was pleased and so was I. It turned out beautiful. He loved it and I loved creating it. Everyone went away with a smile.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Peace pipes are used in cermony.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Turtle woman animal parts that were used in her creation are:
Turtle bone -around her eyes
Bear fur -for her hair
Imitation -eagle foot
Guiney feathers- in her braids
White deer hide- for leather


Forest spirit is one of many masks. Each mask has an individual name. Making masks is my favourite craft. This particular mask was created because of a yearning to move further north closer to nature. That yearning still exists today and continues to grow stronger.

I am currently recreating my masks. Originally I used preformed faces now I am experimenting with making my own faces making each one a genuine original.
Animal used to create this mask are:
red fox
horse hair
bear fur
deer hide

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Not much is free these days. This is not the case with this site check it out.

Food for your brain and food for the hungry children of this world.


I would love to hear what these shoes would say could they speak.


I've been everywhere man breathed the mountain air man I've travelled I've
done my share man I've been everywhere.

These boots were made for walking and that's just what they'll do and one of
these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

Tweedly tweedly tweedly dee I'm as happy as can be!

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.- John Muir

What a tale they could tell about their owner and the things they have seen and heard.


LIKE I said every year I look forward to the Pow Wow trail. Welcoming the familiar beat and songs of the drum. Ah winter is gone, the sun is warm on my face and I hear the voice of the drum and voices of singers and it is good to be here again.

THE very first time I ever went to a Pow Wow I fell in Love. In love with a culture that I knew nothing about. Grand Entry was at noon which is roughly 1:00 Indian time. The wait is well worth it. The drum starts, the singers sing and the dancers dance. The grass dancers, men's traditional dancers, fancy shawl dress dancers, jingle dress dancers, womans traditional dancers all come into the circle honouring our elders and veterans. I swallowed real hard as I watched the beauty of these proud people, their dance and their regalia. United in Colour and beauty. Two days and all of this without alcohol or drugs. Just good clean fun! I did say no dogs didn't I well I fibbed a little bit I have seen a dog or two, one was a seeing eye dog and the other quickly dissapeared after doing his business.

Our children's generations that are coming are waiting for
this gift... So
we are going to have to hold hands and go in one direction.
All of us have to
communicate, sing one song, say one prayer, and walk the
next decade together
with one voice, for our survival and the survival of
future generations.

Leon Secatero, Canoncito Navajo Spiritual Elder

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Papa 99 today

Goodness gracious my Dad is 99. It is hard to believe by looking at him and it must be harder for him to believe. Imagine the changes he has seen in his lifetime. From wars to vehicles to computers. What will the next 100 years bring?

What can we contribute to bring about a new world civilization.

Today for the first time ever at 99 + 1 day he went bowling and he got a strike. Hip hip hurray for Papa. What a guy. I am so proud of him.

Monday, October 29, 2007


This painting was drawn at a time in my life when I was going through some major changes. It was a difficult time. Looking at it now I realize that it reflects how I felt at that time.
I like it though and it was the beginning of new designs, new creativity and new strengths.
The elk, named by the white settlers, really resembles its European relative the moose. Its real native name is wapiti.
The wapiti symbolizes strength and nobility.
I find it intriguing that at that point in my life my drawing was of an animal that possesses the qualities I needed most at that time.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


This artwork was originally created for a custom drum and later re- designed for a paddle. The child represents the clan mother's inner child.
We all have an inner child. Often we choose to repress that child arguing that we are now adults and should behave in an adult way. For one day or one hour or fifteen minutes a day allow your imagination to explore that inner child and what she/he would say if you gave it voice. You will be surprised. If you have a drum use it's voice to give life to your child and listen to your inner promptings. Ride the winds of life's changes and soar with all the winged ones.


This artwork was created for a custom drum.
Smudging "burning of sage" a prayerful condition, intention or plea.

Wafting the smoke in the four directions sending good thoughts and energy to all of creation or calling upon the mystery of all things, the creator, the winged ones, the four legged's to assist us in our journey is a powerful action.


Here is an awesome gentleman. Kirk is 83 years young. Young I say because he puts some of us to shame. He started a canoe museum, a youth camp, goes white water rafting and travels all over the world. He speaks at numerous functions like cirle of all nations and many others and still saves time for social visits and tea. The Jacket I designed for him is well worn and travelled.
We all benefit from having a person of such calibre in our lives as he always arrives with a joke and a smile.


Here it is almost Halloween. Strange how we can dress up and feel like a totally different person. Even if only for a moment and really moments are all we have.
This is a deer skin leather dress that I made for Lady Raven.
Watching her dance at Pow Wows she just emanates joy. I feel joyful just watching her.
If only we could infect each other with that kind of joy all the time and live up to our inherent nobility.


Each drum like us has it's own voice.


Unpainted 12" 14" 16" drums.


Teacher of wisdom, playfulness and folly. Something we all could benefit from in our daily lives. Wisdom in our day to day activities including time to laugh and play.
Study coyote and their ways if you desire to bring balance to these things in your life.


Shields are individual items with significance only to the owner. Shields have power animals / totems.

"TOTEMS" an animal to which you feel drawn.

You can study and call upon specific animals for their inherent capabilities.
This shield is of the white buffalo representing: Appropriate action in your life to manifest the abundance you desire.
We can all contribute to humanity through right action and right prayer helping to bring about one world, one country, one people.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ireens Photo

This is me and Wintu.
Wintu is named after a lost tribe that knew and saw all.
Wintu just received a new coat. He is a typical gutsy Chihuahua and of course my spoiled and devoted friend.
I have done leather work for more years then I have fingers and toes. My work has progressed from carving and tooling leather to native crafts.
I love my work and love to create new things.
My favourite items are the drums, masks, and dance sticks. I am currently working on designing a web page consisting of one of a kind items. I hope to have it finished by spring.


We live in one world, one country, and I see us as one people. So why the restrictions of borders and extremes of wealth and poverty. Now I might come from a perspective of being somewhat naive or keep it simple stupid, but it seems to me the world is unbalanced.

Wars, crime, drugs, greed, carelessness, abound. Could it just be a journey in time? Will we ever get it straight? Is there any hope? How much catastrophe does a human being have to endure before we get our priorities straight. What can we do? How can we actively contribute to a new world order. Would one currency be beneficial, or one government, or one language?


The Drum is a vehicle to connect with one's higher self and Mother Earth.

The creation of a drum has and is a journey of spiritual significance to me. Each drum that is created has it's own voice. If this interests you contact me through my email.

This particular hand painted drum design refers to People of Eight Seasons. Known as the Laplanders.